Olio extra vergine di oliva aromatizzato al peperoncino - Polpo scottato con bietole e maionese aromatizzata al peperoncino

Blanched octopus with Swiss chard and chilli mayonnaise

Chilli-flavoured extra-virgin olive oil for a bold seafood recipe

Are you looking for a different flavour? Try the mayonnaise made with extra-virgin olive oil flavoured with chilli pepper that is used to accompany this fragrant blanched octopus dish.


  • Extra-virgin olive oil flavoured with chilli pepper
  • 3 large octopus tentacles (40-50 g each)
  • 150 g Swiss chard
  • 100 g unsweetened soya milk
  • 1 teaspoon of mustard
  • Sesame seeds
  • Salt to taste


1) Bring the water to the boil and dip the octopus tentacles 4 or 5 times into the pot until they start to curl;

2) Cook the octopus for 10 minutes over a gentle heat, then turn off the heat and leave the octopus in the pot for another 15 minutes;

3) In another pot, bring water to the boil, add salt and cook the Swiss chard;

4) For the mayonnaise: pour the unsweetened soy milk into a blender, add a pinch of salt, the mustard and the chilli-flavoured extra-virgin olive oil. Then mix until creamy and frothy;

5) Heat a frying pan, blanch the tentacles for 3-4 minutes and add the Swiss chard;

6) Serve the Swiss chard and octopus with a spoonful of chilli-flavoured mayonnaise, toasted sesame seeds and finish with a drizzle of raw chilli-flavoured extra-virgin olive oil.

Buon appetito with Pantaleo extra-virgin olive oil flavoured with chilli pepper!

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