Over a century of oil stories
Our family’s untiring commitment has made the Pantaleo brand synonymous with quality olive oil
The bond between the Pantaleo family and olive oil is as old as our olive trees, with deep, firm roots in the Puglia region. Over a hundred years of tradition, and the constant commitment of four generations of Pugliese entrepreneurs, helped us grow and become established, making Pantaleo into one of the leading olive oil production estates in Italy.
Our story begins in Fasano in 1890 where, thanks to his entrepreneurial initiative, Antonio Pantaleo began to sell unbottled oil.
His son Nicola would revolutionize the family business at the end of the 40s, choosing to focus exclusively on producing oil for bottling, and transforming the name Pantaleo – which over time has become synonymous with quality olive oil – into a well-known brand even outside regional borders.

Family knowledge
A flavour that is the fruit of ancient knowledge, originating from a long family
The quality of Pantaleo products stems from ancient knowledge. A passion for oil, handed down from generation to generation, from father to son, and which inevitably proved contagious for everyone in the company. An understanding of oil based on a constantly-evolving mind-map, made up of qualities, bouquets and flavours which change from one place to another, based on which variety (or cultivar), which oil press and which production techniques are used.

Producing quality
Production that is based on shared values
without forgetting the teachings of traditional agriculture
Producing quality is a task which requires great commitment. And even more so when you want to do it on a large scale, increasing the amount of product you put out on the marketplace. So, especially in recent years, our policy has been to invest wisely, on the one hand enabling us to boost our production capacity, and on the other to maintain the fine quality of our own oil, making it with the same level of care as ever.
An olive oil guaranteed from every point of view, in accordance with the finest quality standards.
%Fatturato nell'ultimo anno
Turnover last year
Ettari di uliveti
Hectares of olive groves
Mercati serviti
Markets served
Controlli di qualità
Quality control
Modello organizzativo (D.Lgs 231/01)
Al fine di garantire il rispetto dei principi di correttezza e trasparenza e l’osservanza delle regole etiche che hanno sempre caratterizzato la nostra attività produttiva, abbiamo ritenuto di valorizzare le nostre politiche aziendali adottando un Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo ex d.lgs. n. 231/01.
Scarica l'abstract divulgativo.
Abbiamo inoltre adottato un nuovo “Codice Etico Aziendale”, in quanto riteniamo che la chiara enunciazione dei valori fondamentali ai quali è ispirata la nostra idea di “impresa” sia di importanza centrale per il corretto svolgimento delle nostre attività.
Scarica il Codice Etico.
Per maggiori informazioni sul nostro Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo, potete contattarci al seguente indirizzo: info@pantaleo.it

Extra-virgin olive oil, fresh vegetables and preserves from organic farms, in keeping with the environment and tradition
In the countryside around Fasano, midway between the cities of Bari and Brindisi, is a land that has always had a vocation for olive cultivation. The area, which includes the protected nature reserve of the Parco Regionale delle Dune Costiere, features numerous monumental olive groves; in some cases, the trees date back to the time of the ancient Messapii tribe, reaching the grand old age of almost three thousand years.
Pantaleo World
The Taste of Pantaleo Takes Centre Stage at Marca 2025
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Pantaleo shines at the 2024 edition of the Terraolivo competition
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Pantaleo PGI “Olio di Puglia” and Organic break into the EVOOLEUM Top 100 in 2024
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Pantaleo Bio Young takes part at the G7
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