Can we cook with extra-virgin olive oil?
The answer is yes, and Pantaleo extra-virgin olive oil brings flavour and wellness into the kitchen.
When it comes to cooking, few things are as essential as your choice of oil: extra-virgin olive oil is unquestionably the most widely-used oil in Mediterranean cuisine, arguably playing a lead rather than a support role in a whole host of different dishes. But is it really a good idea to cook with extra-virgin olive oil? Indeed, this green “liquid sunshine”, prized the world over for its rich flavour and numerous health benefits, can be the lifeblood of many a recipe, delivering superior results in a wide range of cookery techniques.
Let's explore together the benefits and the reasons why cooking with extra-virgin olive oil is not only a good idea but also a sensible culinary strategy.
One of the main reasons why cooking with extra-virgin olive oil is recommended lies in its numerous health benefits: extra-virgin olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, it helps keep bad cholesterol under control, favouring a healthy heart and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. It also reduces inflammation and can help control blood sugar levels. In addition, extra-virgin olive oil is well-known for its positive impact on the health of the digestive tract: indeed, its composition helps stimulate the production of bile, thus facilitating digestion and reducing the risk of gastrointestinal problems. All these benefits remain intact during cooking, enabling extra-virgin olive oil to keep its properties and nutritional values.
Extra-virgin olive oil has a relatively high smoke point compared with other oils, (and especially for those who enjoy frying this is a very important factor), but what exactly does this expression mean? The smoke point refers to the temperature at which the oil begins to degrade due to exposure to heat and to produce smoke and toxic substances. This phenomenon is influenced by the chemical composition of the oil, in particular by the fatty acids it contains: polyunsaturated fats, if brought to high temperatures, can become harmful. Extra-virgin olive oil has a high smoke point, usually between 160 °C and 210 °C (depending on the quality), and above all contains minimal levels of polyunsaturated fats compared to monounsaturated fats, which are much more resistant to high temperatures.
Cooking with extra-virgin olive oil proves to be a smart choice also because it is rich in antioxidants. Those found in extra-virgin olive oil, such as polyphenols and vitamin E, play the crucial role of slowing down and counteracting the oxidation process that occurs when cooking at high temperatures. These antioxidants neutralize free radicals (which form when the oil is exposed to heat) and help preserve the stability of the oil and all its beneficial properties.
We have seen how cooking with extra-virgin olive oil has important benefits, not to mention the taste and touch of authenticity that this precious substance gives to every recipe with its fruity, aromatic flavour. But to make sure that everything runs smoothly when you cook with extra-virgin olive oil, we’ll give you a few tips. First of all, it is essential to choose the right oil and to go for high-quality products, such as our quality extra-virgin olive oils. It is also important to make sure you cook with a sufficient amount of oil, monitor the temperature (using a food thermometer), respect the recommended cooking times and finally eliminate, where necessary, excess oil from the food after cooking.
If you follow these tips, extra-virgin olive oil will become your best friend in the kitchen, giving a touch of unique flavour to all your recipes, while keeping them healthy and delicious.